Welcome to the Mindroot Foundation!

At Mindroot Foundation, we believe in the power of compassion and understanding when it comes to mental health. Our non-profit organization is dedicated to nurturing mental well-being and empowering individuals to lead fulfilling lives. We are on a mission to make a positive impact on communities in Rajasthan, where mental health support and awareness are crucial but often overlooked.

Your support can help us drive change and create a stigma-free environment surrounding mental health. Through various initiatives, we strive to raise awareness, provide much-needed support through counselling and treatment, and offer a safe space for individuals facing mental health challenges.

Why Donate to Mindroot Foundation?

Raising Awareness: Mental health awareness is the first step towards breaking down barriers and misconceptions. Your donations will be used to organize workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns to educate communities about the importance of mental health.

Providing Support: Your contribution will help us extend our counselling and treatment services to those who need it the most. By supporting Mindroot Foundation, you’re directly helping individuals access professional mental health support.

Empowering Individuals: We focus on education, advocacy, and providing resources to empower individuals to overcome their challenges and develop resilience. Your donation can help someone regain control of their life and flourish despite the difficulties they face.

Building a Stigma-free Environment: Mental health stigma prevents many people from seeking help. By supporting us, you’re helping us break down these barriers and create an environment where people feel comfortable seeking the assistance they need.


Your Contribution Matters:

Every single donation, no matter the size, matters to us. Your generosity will enable us to reach more people in need, create lasting change in their lives, and foster a society that values mental well-being.

How Your Donations Can Be Utilized:

Transparency and accountability are at the heart of our operations. When you donate to Mindroot Foundation, your contributions will be used effectively and efficiently to:

Fund Counselling Services: Your donations will directly support our counselling programs, ensuring that individuals have access to professional help during their times of struggle.

Organize Awareness Campaigns: We’ll use your contributions to organize workshops, seminars, and campaigns to raise awareness about mental health and mental illness, reducing stigma and misconceptions.

Develop Educational Resources: With your support, we can create educational materials and resources that will be made available to schools, colleges, and community centers, helping spread knowledge about mental health.

Expand Outreach Programs: Your donations will aid us in reaching more remote and underprivileged areas, where mental health resources are scarce but desperately needed.

Join Us on This Journey:

We invite you to be a part of this meaningful journey towards a world where everyone’s mental health matters and individuals can thrive. Your support can create a positive ripple effect in the lives of countless individuals, families, and communities in Rajasthan.

Together, let’s build a society where compassion, empathy, and support for mental well-being are at the forefront. By donating to Mindroot Foundation, you are contributing to a cause that transforms lives and brings hope to those in need.

Thank you for considering supporting our mission. Your generosity is the driving force behind our efforts to make a lasting impact on mental health and the lives of those we serve.

Donate now and be the change!

Donation details for Indian nationals.

Donate via Cheque

Please address your cheque in favour of Mindroot Foundation and send it to:
Mindroot Foundation, T 12 A, Mahaveer Nagar I, Durgapura, Tonk Road, Jaipur. 302018

Donate via Bank

Bank Name: SBI Bank, 9, Kailashpuri, Tonk Road, Jaipur
Account Name: Mindroot Foundation
Bank Account Number: 61332516570
ISFC: SBIN0015515

Donation details for foreign nationals. (FCRA)

Donate via FCRA

Bank Name: STATE BANK OF INDIA, 11Sansad Marg, New Delhi 110 001
Account Name: Mindroot Foundation
Account Number: 39978844626
IFSC: SBIN000069